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Google Calendar

Google Calendar icon

How To Schedule a Google Meet Using Google Calendar
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3.32 minutes

How to Find the Recording of A Google Hangouts Meet
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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.

How to Create Appointment Slots
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2.39 minutes

Google Drive

Google Drive icon

How to Find Shared Docs, Files and Folders in Google Drive
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1.40 minutes

How to use Google Drive - Complete Tutorial
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In this step-by-step tutorial video, learn how you can use Google Drive to backup files, to access your files anywhere, to share and collaborate with others, and to get back to your files fast. How to get Google Drive and how to use Drive across PC, web, and phone.

16.48 minutes

⌚ Timestamps

00:00 Introduction
02:00 Get Drive on the web
02:51 Get Drive on your PC
03:24 Get Drive on Android or iPhone
03:49 Upload file
04:32 Upload folder
04:52 New menu
05:07 Create new doc, sheet, slide or others
05:25 Create new folder
06:05 Search
06:57 Quick Access
07:34 My Drive view
08:21 Share links with people & groups
09:00 Additional file actions
10:14 Folder actions
10:42 My Drive view
11:05 Computers view
11:20 Shard with me view
12:12 Recent view
12:36 Starred view
12:51 Trash view
13:05 Storage usage
13:36 Google backup & sync desktop app
15:24 Drive mobile app

Google Docs

Google Docs icon

How to Create and Edit Tables/Charts
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2.48 minutes

How to Make Automatic Copies for Students to Edit
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2.18 minutes

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