Google Meet Tutorial
Video tutorial – How to use Google Meet for Remote and Online learning
This video will demonstrate the main features of this platform and show you haw you can use Google Meet to teach online.
7.25 minutes
Google Meet Streaming allows teachers to stream a presentation to their students. The following is information for students viewing a Google Meet Stream.
To view a Google Meet Stream, Click the live-stream link in the Calendar event or an email.
When you watch a live-stream event, you can:
Troubleshooting information for viewing a Google Meet Stream, can be found here on Google’s website.
Did you know you can teach a lesson with Google Meet? When you connect Meet to Google Clasroom, it works really well
7.19 minutes
In this video you will learn about Meet Attendance, a brilliant extension that will enable you to take attendance of your students and see when they’ve joined or left the Meet.
5 minutes
Every Meet can have Files attached to the meeting. Everyone in your meeting can access these links and use them during the Conference Call. This is not only a great way of making sure everyone has the files they need, but you can keep Meeting notes and other important information linked to the online Meet up.
5.31 minutes
If you are teaching with Google Classroom, this video is for you! Let’s take a look at how you can integrate Google Meet with Google Classroom.
6.47 minutes
Many teachers across the country have been forced to teach virtually due to the Coronavirus outbreak. Need some help with establishing protocols and getting started? Here are some quick tips:
Tip # 1: Proactively Set Your Expectations for Students
Tip # 2: Reduce Distractions
Tip # 3: Virtual Learning is Interactive
Tip # 4: Image is Everything
Want more of an explanation? Check out the video below:
How do I share a video with Audio in Google Meet. In this video you will learn the steps needed to enable this.
5.29 minutes
If you are trying to play a video for meeting participants in Google Meet to see, but the sound from the video isn’t playing, you can change audio settings to fix this issue. Click here for instructions on how to fix this issue.
While Meet doesn’t have all of the fancy features of Zoom, you can add in some of these missing elements by installing a few Chrome
15 minutes
This video is one in a series of videos on Google Meet. This video covers 3 different ways to still see your students while you are presenting your screen in a Google Meet video conference. You can access the full series of videos at
7.26 Minutes
This video demonstrates how to use a free whiteboard called Jamboard (which is included in the Google Suite of Apps) in conjunction with Google Meet.
10.32 minutes
This is a basic guide to Google Jamboard
5.09 minutes
If you are not able to Unmute your microphone in Windows 10, or you would like to adjust the volume of the microphone, click here for instructions to fix the issue.
NOTE: Unfortunately, we will only be supporting Google Meet for student use, and will not be supporting other platforms (e.g. Zoom). Zoom has several security and privacy issues that violate FERPA and CIPA regulations. You are welcome to use Zoom with other staff members, but Zoom is blocked for all students across the district due to these issues.